Monday, August 17, 2009

August 16, 2009

Well, aren't I just a day behind on this one? It has really been THAT kind of week around here and well, I guess I will just have to settle with being a day late. So, without any other fanfare here is my SSS for August 16, 2009.

- This was a long week since I was on the road in DC. Lots of meetings and informational fact finding really filled my days. Lots of good places to eat though while we were there, so that was a plus.

- When I got home on Friday Lucy's ashes were on my desk and well, it was a sad day on Friday. I have everything together now to make her little memorial in my office and I will be putting that together in the next few days. It's sad still, and my heart still hurts ... a lot.

- This coming week has a Project Management Boot Camp filling most of it, so there are some definite good things setting up for the future there. I liken the class to drinking from a fire hydrant ... but it is VERY good information.

- I spent some time this weekend wondering why the old movies still make me smile; and then I realized the answer. It's simple entertainment without a bunch of nonsense to clutter things up ... I think I like that idea.

- We visited our old church on Sunday and really felt the presence of the Lord welcome us in. The search continues but there are now 2 churches who have shown some interest in my resume, so we'll continue to wait and see how God moves.

Well, it's short and simple this week -- I hope your week is a blessing. Please (if you do or could) remember my family in prayer. We are going through some things that I don't want to go into detail here but know that we are clinging to the cross for guidance and comfort. Thank you and may God bless you.



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