Monday, June 28, 2010


"We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the vitriolic words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of the good people."
~Dr. (Rev) Martin Luther King, Jr.

When will we realize, that our words have more impact than we could ever imagine? When will we realize that when we give our word to someone we must follow through? Little by little I am watching the word "integrity" be tossed around like a punch-line at a party, and each time it really sickens me. Friends, when you give someone your word to do something -- you need to do it. Period. Quit playing games with people's lives, with their emotions, and with their livelihood. Some of us actually get up each day and proudly strive to live with honesty and integrity and having to traipse through the muck and the mire left behind by our fellow citizens is really disheartening and honestly, quite disgusting.

Integrity is defined as having a morale soundness.
Its application means doing what is right even when no one is looking.

I think it's about time that a few more people learned this value -- and then put it into practice like their reputations counted on it. Why? Because ... it does.


Shelly Gambrell (my2zs) said...

Very well said my friend...


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