Friday, January 22, 2010

This is a test

Well, I’m testing to see if I can e-mail a post to blogger and not have to log in (which will really come in handy while I am in New Orleans next month). Maybe, just maybe, I have finally gotten this to work on my account.


Kelly (race_12_1) on January 22, 2010 at 2:41 PM said...

Your test not only worked it made me think to tell you this. Do not get discouraged or dismayed. That little bird looks that way, don't know why, it just does. Know that next month you are going not of your own power, but with that of the Lords. That He is sending you and He never sends a worker where He has not already made preparation for the work to be done. Remember that and you will accomplish what he has sent you to do. Know this, He will be in it and with you until you complete it.

Rev TJ Conwell on January 22, 2010 at 8:34 PM said...

Bless you my friend .... Thank you for your words, they really hit home today.


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