Monday, January 17, 2011

God's Revelation to Us

God reveals Himself throughout all of creation, so that we (as the created) would not only recognize the Creator – but give all our attention to worshipping Him. Because He is God we have a choice today to do away with ungodliness and unrighteousness, which appear to God as a direct violation of His nature, and follow Him. As we continue to study the Book of Romans, it is the responsibility of all believers to not only celebrate the Good News of Christ, but to understand that we must take a stand against the things that are against God as well; and be willing to explain them to a world in need of a Savior. I challenge you to tell someone this week who Jesus is, and what the Good News has rescued you from. It is in this telling that you will gain strength and be able to witness more for Him!

God bless you ...

Bro TJ



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